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  • 主營:。


    時間:2023-10-23 15:07:56

    隨著高壓離心風機的應用,如何選擇風機也成為許多用戶的難題。 一般用戶使用的風機的風量是根據實際工況進行選擇的,為了讓風機進入正常工況并完成所需的風量,大家要仔細挑選。 如果我們在使用風機時,風量沒有到預期的效果的話該怎么辦呢?
    With the application of high-pressure centrifugal fans, how to choose fans has become a challenge for many users. The air volume of the fan used by general users is selected based on actual operating conditions. In order to enter normal operating conditions and achieve the required air volume, everyone needs to carefully select. What should we do if the air volume does not achieve the expected effect when using the fan?
    We first need to understand what situations may lead to insufficient air flow in high-pressure centrifugal fans and what solutions are available to address these issues.
    1. Pipeline leakage: repair the pipeline; Pipeline too long: reset the pipeline.
    2. Impeller wear and excessive clearance: check the oil supply system and replenish the oil quantity; Poor lubrication: Clean the oil filter and drip nozzle.
    3. Filter mesh blockage: high-pressure centrifugal fan inlet filter blockage: clean the filter.
    4. Belt too loose, speed decrease: Adjust belt tension.

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